
Higher Education in a Global Pandemic: Many Questions, Few Answers

Episode Summary

Institutions of higher education have been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact for nine months now. In this episode of Illuminate Higher Education, podcast host Kiran Kodithala, CEO of N2N Services, and Diana Chen come together to discuss the myriad changes and challenges colleges and universities face in this pandemic age.

Episode Notes

Institutions of higher education have been grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact for nine months now. In this episode of Illuminate Higher Education, podcast host Kiran Kodithala, CEO of N2N Services, and Diana Chen come together to discuss the myriad changes and challenges colleges and universities face in this pandemic age.


Kiran begins by noting that colleges and universities underwent a complete shock. They were suddenly faced with state-imposed mandates to close campuses and move to virtual learning with close to no time to spare.


He then talks about how these organizations thought they would be prepared for a fall semester, but the ever-changing nature of pandemic restrictions and impacts has presented new and unique challenges at every step of the way. Colleges and universities are, by and large, coping with these changes in a variety of ways. Some have moved to 100% virtual learning, others employ a more hybrid approach, and some things - lab work, for example - simply can’t be done remotely.


Not only are institutions of higher education faced with a whole host of operational changes, but they are also forced to reckon with demonstrating the value of higher education. If students aren’t paying for on-campus learning, athletic facilities, room and board, clubs, and organizations, then how do we reconcile the astronomical costs of a college education?


Listen now to hear Kiran’s perspective on the value of higher education, why it’s worth considering community colleges, and what might come next as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.


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See you in the next episode.